• 1426 Fillmore St, Suite 215 San Francisco, CA 94115
  • You can text or call our office at (415) 358-7778

Welcome to Lee Orthodontics!

At Lee Orthodontics we offer our patients the very best orthodontic care in San Francisco, CA and the surrounding communities. We take pride in staying up-to-date with all modern orthodontic advancements, as well as continually working to further our education. Offering patients the most modern and effective solutions to their orthodontic needs is our goal.

We are proud to offer several different treatments and technologies for you to achieve a straight, flawless smile in a way that works for you. We will go over all of your options in order to help you make the best decision for you and your desired results.

Veronica Lee, DDS


Affordable Payment Options

We will discuss your private dental insurance benefits and recommend the best payment options.

Quick Examination

We will do our best to accommodate your busy schedule. Request an appointment today!

Painless procedures

Offering patients painless, the most up-to-date orthodontic treatment is our top priority.


We Care Our Patients.

Orthodontic Emergency
Orthodontic emergencies may be rare, but we are ready to help you whenever you are having trouble with your braces.
Invisalign® involves a series of custom trays designed specifically for you and the plan your dentist or orthodontist creates to move your teeth.
Adult Treatment
No matter your age, you deserve a smile that gives you confidence. Braces are not just for children anymore. With the latest advancements in technologies, we can get you the smile you deserve!
Braces For Teens
Braces are not as scary as most teens think. Technology has advanced a lot in recent years, providing us with newer styles of braces. The result is a faster, more comfortable, and more effective treatment.
Clear Braces
Most teens and adults are reluctant to get the orthodontic care they need due to the appearance of orthodontic appliances. That’s why we offer clear braces, which are much less noticeable than metal braces, but still give patients a smile they deserve.
Clear Aligners
Clear aligners are the newest and increasingly popular choice for aligning teeth. The aligners are invisible and removable, making them a top choice for teenagers and adults. The system uses clear, acrylic trays that straighten teeth just like braces and are much more comfortable.
Early Treatment
The earlier we catch problems with your child’s bite, the simpler they are to fix. The results are often better than if we wait and will require significantly less work. We may not need to keep braces on your child for as long when they are younger, which means less expense for you.
After you have worn your braces for the appropriate amount of time, we move into the retention stage of your treatment. It is VERY important not to skip this step, or all of your hard work will not pay off as you had hoped. Your teeth may shift around or move back to where they were instead of staying in place.
HAPPY Patient

What Says Our Patients